If You Try Hard Enough, You Can Resolve Any Conflict.

ways to resolve conflicts photos Means to resolve conflicts. At every step, human existence is accompanied past a variety of problematic situations that provoke an acute confrontation. Some of these situations requite rise to a waste of potential and fourth dimension, poisoning people with negative emotions and disastrously affecting their mental state and negatively affecting physical wellness. In the universe there are no individuals who would not fall into a situation of confrontation. That is why it is necessary to study ways to resolve conflicts whose psychology is quite multifaceted. Indeed, many contradictions arise due to the characteristics of temperament and the nature of the subjects. In improver, there are a number of individuals whose communicative interaction generates conflicts. Therefore, the goal of disharmonize management is non their elimination or ignoring, merely the prevention of opposing behavior associated with violent or subversive methods of resolving confrontation, and sending conflicting opponents to notice a mutually adequate solution.

Ways to resolve social conflict

A conflict refers to a clash of two entities or social communities because of a desire to possess something that is equally valuable to both sides.

The subjects of the conflict procedure are the participants in the confrontation, among which at that place are instigators, witnesses, accomplices and mediators. Individuals who observe the situation of confrontation from outside are called witnesses. The instigators are the subjects pushing other participating individuals into a confrontation. Aides - persons who contribute to the escalation of the conflict with the help of communication, recommendations, through technical ways. Mediators are persons who are trying to forbid, stop, or resolve a conflict.

It must be understood that not all persons involved in the conflict are in a confrontation. In improver, the evolution of a conflict situation requires a reason and reason, equally well as the presence of the subject of confrontation.

Fortunately, either the issue that provoked the emergence of confrontation is a subject field of conflict. Its causes are objective conditions, events that determine the occurrence of conflict. The cause of the clash ever has a relationship with the needs of the warring parties.

The reason for the emergence of a disharmonize state of affairs may be an insignificant episode that contributes to its occurrence. Moreover, the situation of confrontation may non transform into a conflict.

To understand the causes and ways of resolving conflicts, it is necessary to distinguish between contradiction and disharmonize. A contradiction is a primal disagreement in important ethnic, political and economic interests. It is the foundation of any conflict process and is found in a sense of dissatisfaction with the electric current land of affairs and the desire to change it. A contradiction does not necessarily develop into an open confrontation. In other words, the contradiction expresses the invisible and static factor of the situation, and the conflict is mobile and open.

Social conflict refers to the highest degree of escalation of contradictions in the structure of relations between individuals, social collectives, institutions, guild as a whole and is characterized by a multiplication of opposing views, interests of individual subjects and communities.

The reason for the conflict is always interconnected with the needs of the participants in the confrontation. There are the following reasons provoking social conflicts:

- social heterogeneity of society, the presence of opposing life guidelines and views;

- differences in social condition, income, culture, education, access to information;

- differences of a religious nature;

- the beliefs of individuals , their socio-psychological characteristics ( temperament , mind).

The main ways to resolve conflicts. In society to skillfully manage conflicts and correctly utilise the means of resolving conflicts in a team, you lot demand to know the stages that a social conflict goes through as it develops. There are three main stages, namely the pre-conflict, conflict and the stage of resolution of the contradiction. At the pre-conflict stage, participants are enlightened of the presence of emotional stress, try to overcome information technology, seek to empathize the causes of the collision, evaluate their own capabilities, and too cull a manner of influencing the opposing side.

The conflict stage is the conflict itself. It is characterized by a lack of respect and the presence of distrust of the enemy. At this stage, understanding is not possible. The phase of the disharmonize is incommunicable without a cause or incident, that is, without social deportment aimed at transforming the behavior of the warring parties. This phase as well covers the open and clandestine deportment of rivals.

The conflict resolution stage marks the end of the incident, that is, the elimination of the factors that triggered the conflict.

Specialists identify the post-obit ways to resolve conflicts in the team:

- solving the problem with the help of mutual concessions of the participating individuals, that is, the parties preferred a compromise;

- A peaceful conversation between rivals to resolve the trouble - negotiations;

- appeal to a tertiary party for an absentee resolution of the disharmonize - mediation;

- appeal for aid in resolving the confrontation to the authority endowed with special powers (arbitration or arbitration courtroom);

- the unilateral use of force or position by the participant who considers himself stronger, stands higher on the social ladder or official hierarchy.

Social, ethnosocial conflicts, the ways to resolve them are as follows: restoration, waiting (non-intervention), renewal.

Restoration is the return of the community to the pre-conflict stage, that is, to the previous structure of social existence, social institutions, which, given the new circumstances, proceed to be.

The expectation (non-interference) is the expectation that everything will be formed without interference, that is, past itself. This "strategy" follows the path of delaying various reformist procrastination, burdensome on the spot. If the confrontation does not threaten universal failure, then in an open gild, the described behavior strategy can be fruitful under certain conditions.

Renewal is an agile way out of the disharmonize process through rejection, renunciation of the erstwhile and development of the new.

Every social conflict is characterized by specificity and form in certain social circumstances. Therefore, ways of resolving conflicts, psychology argues must encounter the current situation.

And the global strategy for overcoming collective confrontation should embrace and combine the above main ways of resolving conflicts. The fundamental to resolving any conflict is updating. However, updating admittedly everything is incommunicable due to the inertia of human consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to ready for the natural reaction of individuals - a rollback to a number of old forms of being and values.

Ways to resolve ethnic conflicts

Modernistic being is saturated with a variety of conflicts. Notwithstanding, even nether such conditions, interethnic conflicts and clashes in severity, scope and consequences for the state occupy a special place. In add-on, they are frequently intertwined with other kinds of conflicts, namely: political differences, economic confrontation, etc. Ofttimes they serve only as a kind of amplifier, and sometimes equally a bulwark to the confrontation of political and other forces.

Ethno-social conflicts are ways to resolve them. Ethno-social clashes as well as other conflicts are characterized by the presence of the subject of confrontation, the parties involved, and stages.

Territories may be the discipline of ethnic clashes from a position of police force, equally a result of a dispute between indigenous groups or a bickering of property or non-belongings nature of representatives of different nationalities. Frequently disagreements arise in matters of ownership, civil rights, administrative, cultural rights. Nonetheless, they are often closely intertwined, since authoritative and civil bigotry often automatically provoke discrimination in the sphere of holding and social rights.

The subjects of the conflict are various national communities living on the territory of i land. From a legal point of view, an interethnic conflict situation seems to autumn apart into a mass of more detailed conflicts, the direct participants of which are legal entities and individuals: deputy parties, officials, country bodies, economic structures, various civil associations, individuals and their families. National communities are a kind of lobby, that is, pressure groups and interests.

Interethnic conflicts practice non arise from scratch. For their advent, as a rule, a certain divergence from the usual fashion of life, the destruction of the value system, which is accompanied by confusion, a feeling of frustration and discomfort, a sense of doom, oft even a loss of the meaning of life, is necessary. In such circumstances, in the regulation of inter-social relations in society, the indigenous factor is brought to the forefront as an older factor that performed the function of group survival in phylogenetic processes.

The action of the described psychological machinery occurs in this way. When at that place is a threat to the existence of society as a single and independent subject field of inter-social interactions, at the level of public perception of circumstances, social identification occurs on a national basis, social and psychological protection mechanisms are activated, manifested in the grade of intra-group cohesion, strengthening the cohesion of "we", external social discrimination and isolation from " not ours. " Such phenomena only lead to an escalation of the confrontation.

Means and methods to resolve the conflict generated by national discrimination. Assay of the conflict situation that arises between states should begin with the definition of "aggressor" - the actor to blame for the confrontation. Discarding the figure of the "aggressor", ignoring information technology and dissolving in a variety of factors of an abstract nature really stimulates the "attacker" to take active actions, which makes the "victim" fifty-fifty more defenseless. A serious obstruction to resolving confrontations is the fear of the ruling aristocracy and social movements to be in the category of undemocratic, uncivilized states, countries with a totalitarian regime.

Analysis of many armed confrontations allows us to conclude:

- the majority of indigenous conflicts arise due to disagreements regarding the status of the national-territorial structure, the justice of the borders that dissever ethnic groups;

- the apply of paramilitary forces in ethnic conflicts a priori should be justified from a political betoken of view and the position of law, be exceptional, and the boundaries of their application must be outlined past police;

- Militarized conflicts, as well as military confrontation, must exist fought long before they arise.

Before you start looking for specific reasons and ways to resolve conflicts of an ethnic orientation, you must endeavor to reduce the degree of tension that has arisen betwixt the warring parties. Afterward that, communication channels are established, and the dialogue begins. Frequently, attempts past the participants in the confrontation to immediately resolve the trouble through negotiations lead to plummet. The almost of import factor contributing to the establishment of contacts is the presence of trust amidst all conflicting parties. The primary condition for preventing any confrontation, in item armed conflict, is the harmonization of interethnic relations in the state. To reach this, it is necessary to apply the following ways to prevent and resolve ethnic conflicts:

- the presence of a legal democratic state (there are two main guarantees of social tranquility, namely: a strong state based on a fair legislative base, and a rational organization of club, in which every individual has an income that allows him to live with dignity;

- ensuring the integrity of the country, recognition of all powers over the authorities in the defence of the land, the fight against crime;

- Providing autonomy to the living minorities and the ability to independently brand decisions of their own diplomacy, including taxes;

- decentralization, that is, delegation of potency to make power decisions to the local level;

- maintaining a policy of preventing the development of various discrepancies in disharmonize situations resulting in bloodshed;

- the democratization of relations between states, the rejection of an unjustified interpretation of by and large accepted norms of international law;

- the equality of all nationalities, the satisfaction of their linguistic, national, cultural, religious and other needs.

The chief ways and methods of conflict resolution are presented below.

Showtime of all, an avoidance method is used, which includes:

- ignoring the enemy, lack of response to the actions of the contrary side;

- leaving the political arena of the national leader;

- resettlement of representatives of individual indigenous communities.

The next method is "postponement", which includes such a path as avoiding confrontation and anticipating changes in circumstances, the emergence of favorable conditions conducive to a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

The third method is negotiations, in which participants themselves choose the most preferable activeness. Moreover, the number of participants in the negotiation process does not have to exist equal to the number of parties involved in the confrontation. There is also a method such as mediation, which is the voluntary transfer to a third party to the disharmonize for proceedings. Moreover, the conclusion of a third political party is binding on the warring parties.

The fifth method is the convergence of the interests and views of the conflicting parties with the help of an intermediary, either by organizing investigative commissions that either establish facts that provoke a confrontation, or examine them, or past forming conciliation commissions that can develop specific recommendations for the warring parties.

Means to resolve political conflicts

Political confrontation is chosen confrontation, the divergence of views of political actors, provoked by the opposition of their interests in the political sphere, value orientations and positions.

The term political confrontation means the struggle of some subjects of political activity with others. The field of study of their struggle may be rivalry for influence in the structure of political relations, resource management, the possibility of making socially meaning decisions, and recognition of ane's own interests as socially necessary. In other words, political confrontation arises from the struggle for political dominance.

The supreme political ability, the possession of it, the cosmos of power institutions, the socio-political status of communities, the values ​​and symbols that are the foundations of state and legal power - all these are components of the discipline and object of political conflicts.

The confrontation between political society every bit a unmarried system and the inequality of the individual entities and communities included in information technology, which are found in the hierarchical structure of political statuses, is considered the source and basis of political confrontation.

The preference for one style or some other way to preclude and resolve conflicts depends entirely on the alien participants. Moreover, the circumstances that accompany the conflict can play a decisive office in resolving the confrontation. For instance, the choice of a peaceful way to resolve a conflict problem may depend on the presence of publicity in gild, a balance of forces, proper historical experience, and institutional conditions that permit for negotiations and communication.

The peaceful settlement of confrontation in the political sphere includes the following ways:

- reaching a compromise based on preserving the initial views;

- agreement, agreement on the basis of mutually directed concessions;

- weakening, reducing the resource of ane participating political party or several, which leads to the impossibility of standing the confrontation;

- gaining mutual respect by the participants in the process of confrontation, recognition of rights and understanding of the interests of the opponent.

There are also several conflict management strategies:

— стратегия с позиции «силы» характеризуется ориентацией на устранение противника либо в качестве биологического организма, либо в качестве свободного в выборе собственных поступков и дееспособного субъекта;

— стратегия «уязвления» соперника предполагает трансформацию условий, в которых противник выдвигал неподходящие требования, другими словами, данная стратегия уязвляет оппонента, ставя его в невыгодные условия;

— стратегия «уклонения» представляет ожидание благоприятного случая с целью выдвижения требований и не рассчитана на оказание влияния на второе участвующее лицо или лица;

стратегия «партнерства» заключается в поиске таких путей урегулирования конфликтной ситуации, которые позволят удовлетворить интересы всех противоборствующих участников.


Source: http://en.housepsych.com/puti-razresheniya-konfliktov_default.htm

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