What Type of Books Does Bill Give to Charlie to Read

List of Volume Types or Genres

Exercise you have a favorite type of book, either fiction or nonfiction? Are you thinking nigh branching out and enjoying a new genre? If so, a list of volume types or genres tin assistance you choose what to read next. Encounter if any of the below subtypes take hold of your centre.

List of Book Types or Genres List of Book Types or Genres

Two Different Types of Books

All books are classified as either fiction or nonfiction. Within these two types of books, you'll notice dozens of more specific types, or genres.

Nonfiction Books

Nonfiction books comprise factual information, such as biographies and history books.

Examples of nonfiction books include:

  • Most biographies are nonfiction. We say "near" biographies, because a biography of a fictional character is really a fictional book.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank is nonfiction and a journal, making it a nonfiction periodical.
  • Most Dictionaries and encyclopedias are nonfiction considering they incorporate facts about words.
  • Travel books such equally an atlas are nonfiction.
  • "How to" books that teach real skills, similar the archetype Betty Crocker Cookbook are considered factual.

Fiction Books

Fiction books comprise a story that the writer made upwards, such every bit romance or children'southward books. The most commonly read works are works of fiction. Perhaps some of their elements are based on hints of truth, but they take been elaborated, fabricated, and used to embellish into a new story.

Some examples of classic fiction books are :

  • The Sun Likewise Rises by Ernest Hemingway
  • To Impale A Mockingbird past Harper Lee
  • Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

Listing of Volume Genres

The two types of books tin be further divided into many different subtypes, called genres. Here are some of the different genres and types of books bachelor today.



Activity and adventure


Alternate history




Chick lit

Business concern/economics

Children'due south




Comic book












Graphic novel

Home and garden

Historical fiction






Paranormal romance


Movie volume




Political thriller

Religion, spirituality, and new age




Truthful crime

Science fiction


Brusque story



Self help


Sports and leisure



Young developed

Truthful crime

Popular Nonfiction Book Genres Explained

Developed and children'due south nonfiction genres are more than pop than you might imagine. These are five of the near popular nonfiction genres according to book sales.


Nonfiction food books include cookbooks, but more than modern food books comprehend everything from specific cooking elements and ingredients to specialized diets. You'll find classic cookbooks with recipes and books that are office memoir/autobiography and part cookbook. Mastering the Art of French Cooking past Julia Child is an example of a popular food book.


Nonfiction history books include any books that lay out the known facts about a particular, time, culture, or consequence in history. Killing England past Pecker O'Reilly and Martin Dugard is an instance of a pop history book.


Memoirs are one type of autobiography. In this type of volume, the author puts emphasis on specific moments or events that brought well-nigh specific life lessons. A popular case of a memoir is Becoming by Michelle Obama.


Political nonfiction books can include books written past career politicians, books that explore political systems, or books that discuss the politics of a sure period. A Promised Land by Barack Obama is an case of political nonfiction.


Self-help books aim to aid the reader in improving some function of her life. Mutual topics covered by self-help books include relationships, finances, and mental health. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a classic instance of a pop cocky-help book.

Popular Fiction Book Genres Explained

Most adult fiction is categorized as full general fiction, while a large portion of children's books are classified as fiction. The popularity of genres changes over time, but these genres rarely lose popularity.

Immature Adult

Young adult fiction is written for readers ages 12 to eighteen. They incorporate the typical reading level and worldview of tweens and teens in this historic period group. The Hunger Games series past Suzanne Collins is an instance of pop young developed fiction.

Children's Books

Children'due south fiction is ofttimes called children's literature or juvenile fiction. Books in this genre are written with readers under the historic period of 12 in mind. Types of children's books include moving picture books and affiliate books. Classic Dr. Seuss books like Greenish Eggs and Ham are examples of children's fiction.

Crime Thriller

Thrillers are suspenseful stories, which makes a crime thriller a book that has a crime every bit its main subject while keeping readers on edge. The primary characters are frequently fighting for justice. John Grisham is a well-known law-breaking thriller author.

Literary Fiction

If a work of fiction doesn't fit into any of the other bachelor genres, it tin be labeled as literary fiction. These books are usually character-driven and introspective. They are sometimes called serious fiction because of their tone. Stephen Crane'south The Open Boat is an example of literary fiction.

Science Fiction

Too known as Sci-Fi, science fiction deals with the imagined future in terms of science or technology advances. This genre includes things like time travel, outer space, and intelligent life. The Time Machine by H.Chiliad. Wells is a classic example of scientific discipline fiction.

Explore Unlike Book Types or Books

At present that you know more about the different types of genres, you tin can continue exploring other works of fiction and nonfiction. Yous may even find a new favorite! If y'all can't cull one favorite genre to read, consider reading short stories or an album. You might even want to fissure open a novella or scissure upwardly at some volume puns.


Source: https://reference.yourdictionary.com/books-literature/different-types-of-books.html

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